Monday, April 27, 2009

Nasdaq Indexes

Starting May 1, 2009, NASDAQ 100 charts and data will be limited to our GOLD and PLATINUM subscribers only.

On February 2, 2009 the NASDAQ Exchange increased the license fees for providing the NASDAQ indexes quotes and charts by 66%. In addition license fee became dependable on the number of subscribers who have access to NASDAQ real-time index data. Their rational for doing so is for adding the Philadelphia Stock Exchange, Nordic Stock Exchange, and Baltic Stock Exchange as well as other data services. Despite the fact that we do not provide information on such exchanges or indexes, we are nevertheless required to pay the increased rates.

Despite the additional expenses, we will not increase our subscription rates.

Unfortunately, in order for us to keep our current subscription rates unchanged in light of the new exchange fees, we will have to limit access NASDAQ 100 charts and data. Starting May 1, 2009, NASDAQ 100 charts and data will be limited to our GOLD and PLATINUM subscribers.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

PHLX Indexes

From now on, our subscribers may apply volume and advance decline based technical indicators to PHLX Gold/Silver, PHLX Oil and PHLX Semiconductor indexes. At the current moment we are the only source of volume and advance decline studies for these indexes.

PHLX Semiconductor

The PHLX Semiconductor Sector Index (SOX) was introduced on the Philadelphia Stock Exchange on December 1, 1993. The Index had an initial value of 200. The SOX is a price-weighted index, which means that companies with higher stock prices have a greater influence on the Index. The SOX is composed of 19 companies involved in the design, distribution, manufacture, and sale of semiconductors. The Index was split two-for-one on July 24, 1995. Options on the Index were first traded on September 7, 1994.

PHLX Gold/Silver

The PHLX Gold/Silver Sector Index (Symbol: XAU) is designed to track the performance of a set of companies engaged in gold or silver mining sector. The PHLX Gold/Silver Sector Index is a market capitalization-weighted index. The Index began on January 19, 1979 at a base value of 100.00.


The PHLX Oil Service Sector Index (Symbol: OSX) is designed to track the performance of a set of companies engaged in the oil services sector. Index Calculation The PHLX Oil Service Sector Index is a price-weighted index. The Index began on December 31, 1996 at a base value of 75.00.

See complete list of indexes available with our charts