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We tried to gather various technical indicators on a single page with elements of technical analysis which would help in defining current market sentiment. On the "Technical Analysis Quotes" pages we display quotes for several time-frames (as a rule 7-day, 14-day and 20-day periods are used) to cover short- and mid-term market sentiments.
>Price Analysis - Covers RSI (relative Strength Index), Stochastics, MACD and various Moving Average quotes with defined sentiment for each technical indicator.
>Volume Analysis - Here you may find quotes with sentiment for Volume Oscillator, PVO (Percentage Volume Oscillator), MVO (MarketVolume Oscillator), Positive and Negative Money Flow and MFI (Money Flow Index).
>Advance/Decline Analysis - On this quote page you will find elements of technical analysis that covers Advance decline volume and issues oscillators as well as TRIN analysis.
> Volatility Analysis - This quotes page reveals the volatility level based on the ATR (Average True Range) and on the Standard Deviation (also called "Historical Volatility")
> Advance/Decline Sentiment - This is not a new quotes page, yet we have extended the number of days in history which are shown on the sentiment graph. The Advance/Decline Sentiment is based on the A/D volume and issues data.
> MACD and MACD History - the quotes of most popular MACD settings.
> EMA andEMA History - the quotes of the most popular Exponential Moving Averages settings.